Coins of Burma Arakan Rajas

Burma, Arakan Rajas, in the name of Sher Shah Suri, the Sultan of Delhi, Silver, Tanka

Burma, Arakan Rajas, in the name of Muhammad Adil Suri, the Sultan of Delhi, Silver, Tanka

Burma, Arakan Rajas, in the name of Ghiyas ud din Bahadur Shah, the Sultan of Bengal, Silver, Tanka

Burma, Arakan Rajas, Thaditha Dhammarit, Silver, Tanka

Coins of Shilaharas of Kolhapur

Shilaharas of Kolhapur, (c.10th – 11th century AD), anonymous Gold double Fanam, 0.79g, Obv: Garuda seated holding a snake in his hand, Rev: Trident with sun-moon and sword inside it.

Gold Coins of the Yadavas of Devagiri

Yadavas of Devagiri, Krishnadeva (1247 – 1261 AD), Gold, 3.83g, die-struck Gadyana Obv: a design composed of a lotus in the centre, a Sankha below it, two Kannada characters 'Sri' on either side and a Devanagari legend (with a spear-like object) 'Sri Kanha (ra)' above it, Rev: an archer pursuing and striking a man in his head with an arrow, traces of Devanagari inscription below.

Gold Coins of Gupta Empire - Kumaragupta I

Gupta Empire, Kumaragupta I (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar of 'Archer' type, Altekar Class IV, var. A, 8.22g. Obv: King standing holding a bow and an arrow, without a Brahmi legend under his arm holding the bow; Garuda standard to left with Brahmi legend 'Kumaragupta' with the last letter placed above the Garuda. Rev: Goddess Lakshmi seated on lotus, holding a lotus in one hand and a noose in the other, Brahmi legend Sri Mahendra to right and a Tamgha to left.

Kumara Gupta, Horseman type Gold Dinar, 8.1g, Class II, Var A, obv. King with wig like hair, riding on a beautifully caparisoned horse to right, wearing buttoned coat (Cholaka) and trousers with high boots. Legend: Guptakuavyomasasi jayatyajeyo' jitamahendrah - The unconquered and invincible Mahendra, who is a moon in the sky of Gupta family is victorious. rev. depicts the goddess sitting along on a wicker stool and feeding a peacock. Legend: Ajitamahendra along flan edge from 2 o' clock. File test mark on rev

Gold Coins of Gupta Empire - Chandragupta II

Gupta Empire, Chandragupta II (375-415 AD), Gold Heavy Weight Dinar of 'Archer' type, Sub-Variety New, 8.25g. Obv: The king is shown in tribhangha position with the bow and arrow and is shown wearing a cholaka (an ancient warrior's uniform modified from a Kushan version) and short tucked dhoti. A sash whip is tied to his waist which rarely features. Chandra under left arm, legend Devasrimaharajadhirajasri Chandraguptah. Rev: Goddess Lakshmi seated on lotus, holding a lotus in one hand and a diadem in the other, Brahmi legend Shri Vikramah. Coins of this variety are shown at in Variety N.

Gupta Empire, Chandragupta II (375-415 AD), Gold Dinar of 'Archer' type, Altekar Class I, var. A, 7.76g. Obv: Nimbate king, standing holding an arrow in one hand and a strung bow in the other; Garuda standard in the background and Brahmi legend Chandra below the arm holding bow. Rev: Goddess Lakshmi seated on lotus, holding a lotus in one hand and a noose in the other, Brahmi legend Shri Vikramah to right and a Tamgha to left.

Chandragupta II, Lion Slayer Type Gold Dinar, 7.7g, Class I, Var C: obv. Muscular bare bodied King facing right, wearing short tucked dhoti holding bow in left hand and right hand is shown as having released the bowstring. Lion is falling backwards on right. rev. Nimbate Goddess with beautiful beaded hair, seated on Lion with right leg folded. (Durga?) but is holding a lotus

Chandragupta II, Lion Slayer Type Gold Dinar, 7.7g, obv. Armored King facing left, wearing short tucked dhoti, holding bow in right hand and left hand is shown as having released the bowstring. Lion is falling backwards on left. rev. Nimbate Goddess with skull cap, seated on Lion sideways facing left, in a riding posture but is holding a lotus in left hand (Lakshmi?). Conch shell at 11 o' clock

Gold Coins of Gupta Empire , Samudra Gupta

Gupta Empire, Samudra Gupta (350-375 AD), Gold Dinar of 'Standard' type, Altekar Class I var. A, 7.98g. Obv: King wearing long tunic standing holding a standard in one hand and offering sacrifice at an altar with the other, Garudastandard to the left; Brahmi legend from 2 o'clock Samarashatavi…. and Samudra below the hand with standard. Rev: Nimbate Goddess seated on a high-backed throne, holding cornucopia in one hand and diadem in the other; Brahmi legend Parakramah in the right field and Tamgha to the left.

Gupta Empire, Samudra Gupta (350-375 AD), Gold Dinar of 'Standard' type, Altekar Class I var. A, 7.24g. Obv: King wearing long tunic standing holding a standard in one hand and offering sacrifice at an altar with the other, Garudastandard to the left; Brahmi legend from 2 o'clock Samarashatavitata…. and Samudra below the hand with standard. Rev: Nimbate Goddess seated on a high-backed throne, holding cornucopia in one hand and diadem in the other; Brahmi legend Parakramah in the right field and Tamgha to the left.

Gupta Empire, Samudra Gupta (350-375 AD), Gold Dinar of 'Standard' type, Altekar Class I var. B, 7.55g. Obv: King wearing long tunic standing holding a standard in one hand and offering sacrifice at an altar with the other, Garudastandard with crescent above to the left; Brahmi legend from 2 o'clock Samarashatavitata…. and Samudra below the hand with standard. Rev: Nimbate Goddess seated on a high-backed throne with all four legs visible, holding cornucopia in one hand and diadem in the other; Brahmi legend Parakramah in the right field and Tamgha to the left.

Gold Dinar of Kushans, Kanishka

Kushans, Kanishka (127-152 AD), Gold Dinar, 7.89 gm. Obv: King standing wearing a conical helmet, a tunic and a cloak, offering sacrifice at an altar with one hand while holding a javelin in the other; Bactrian legend ShAONANOShAOKANEShKIKOShANO around. Rev: Goddess Nana standing facing right, holding a horse-headed sceptre; Bactrian legend NANA in the left field and Tamgha to the right.

Kushans, Kanishka (127-152 AD), Gold Dinar, Gobl 55, 7.95g. Obv: King standing wearing boots and tunic, holding a javelin and offering sacrifice at an altar; Bactrian legend ShAONANOShAO KANEShKI KOShANO around. Rev: Fourarmed Wesho/Shiva standing holding trident and thunderbolt in two hands, a dead antelope in third and offering ablutions with the fourth; Bactrian legend OEShO in right field and Tamgha to left.

Kushans, Kanishka (127-152 AD), Gold Dinar, Gobl 72, 7.86g. Obv: King standing wearing a conical helmet, a tunic and a cloak, offering sacrifice at an altar with one hand while holding a javelin in the other; Bactrian legend ShAONANOShAOKANEShKIKOShANO around. Rev: Four-armed Shiva/Wesho standing facing left, holding Vajra, trident and a sacrificed goat in three hands and pouring sacrificial water from the fourth; Bactrian legend OEShO in the right field and Tamgha to the left.

Coins of the Pallavas of Kanchipuram

Gold Dinar of Kushans, Vasudeva II

Kushans, Vasudeva II (c. 250-350 AD), Gold Dinar, 7.95g. Obv: Diademed king standing facing, nimbate, trident and sacrificing at altar at left, second trident above fire altar, Bactrian legend around pAONONOpAO BA.. O?hO KOpANO. Rev: Armed Shiva standing facing, holding trident and diadem, Bull Nandi left behind, Bactrian legend OhpO on right

Kushans, temp. Vasudeva II (c. 250-350 AD), Gold Dinar (Göbl 644), 7.90g. Obv: Helmeted and heavily armoured nimbate king standing holding a trident and offering sacrifice at an altar; Bactrian legend ShAONANO ShAO BAZODEO KOShANO around. Rev: Shiva, standing reclining against Nandi, holding a trident and a noose in outstretched hand; Tamgha in the left field and Bactrian legend OEShO to right

Kushans, temp. Vasudeva II (c. 250-350 AD), Gold Dinar (Göbl 569), 7.73g. Obv: Nimbate and diademed king, standing wearing dotted tunic and helmet, holding trident and offering sacrifice at an altar; trident-battle axe with pennant in the left field, Brahmi legend Vasu next to the king's right hand, letter Chu between his legs and Khu next to the left leg. Truncated bactrian legend around. Rev: Nimbate goddess seated on a throne holding cornucopia and a noose in the extended hand; Tamgha in the left field, Bactrian legend ARDOKhShO, seen to the right.

Gold Coins of Kadambas of Hangal

Kadambas of Hangal, Gold Gadyana attributed to Toyimadeva (1048-1075 AD)

Kadambas of Hangal, Gold Gadyana in the name of Nakareshwara, the patron deity of Bankapur (1100-1200 AD), MCSI-I 225, 4.22g. Obv: Hanuman seated in Veerasana, holding a hand up in attacking position, two whisks and a Shankha shell around; Kannada legend Nakara below. Rev: Elaborate floral scroll decorative motif within a 'rayed lotus' border.

Coins of Hoysala Kingdom

Hoysala dynasty of Dwarasamudra, Vindhyaditya, (1106-1153 AD), Gold Gadyana, 4g. Obv: Lion walking to right, a chhatra-like object above. Rev: three lines legend in old kanada 'Shri Mala Parodu Gonda. The title 'Mala Parodu Gonda' was held by a number of Hoysala kings

Hoyasalas, Gold, 0.39 g, Fanam, a goddess seated cross-legged, facing right on obv; a Garuda standing, facing right on rev

Coins of - Yadavas of Devagiri

Yadavas of Devagiri, Singhana Deva II (1200-1247). Silver, 0.89g, lion on obverse and legend 'Sri Singha / na Deva' on reverse

Yadavas of Devagiri (or their feudatories), unattributed silver coin dated, (c. 11th-12th century AD), 0.87g, with stylised lion on obverse and an incomplete inscription on the reverse

Yadavas of Devagiri, king Mahadeva (1261-1271), Silver Dramma coin, Obv: lion to left with fore leg raised; Rev: Nagari legend Mahadeva followed by a boar running to left

Madras Presidency Silver Rupee Coins

Madras Presidency, Silver Rupee, Chinapattan Mint, in the name of Aurangzeb

Madras Presidency, Silver Rupee, Chinapattan Mint, in the name of Shah Alam Bahadur

Madras Presidency, Silver Rupee, Chinapattan Mint, in the name of Farrukhsiyar

Coins of Chalukyas of Kalyani

Feudatories of Chalukyas of Kalyani in Northern Karnataka, Gold Gadyana bearing the legend 'Malagala Kesari' (11th -12th Century AD), 3.91 gm. Obv: Lion standing facing right with a front leg raised; Conch shell, Lotus, Floral scroll, Sun and Moon symbols surrounding it. Rev: Hale-Kannada legend in three lines Shri ma/la ga la ke/sari followed by a triangular dagger

Feudatories of the Chalukyas of Kalyana (9th-10th Century AD), Gold 'Boar' type Gadyana, 4.30g. Obv: Boar standing in profile to right on a pedestal, sun and crescent moon above and floral motives around. Rev: Three-line legend in old Kannada Shri Nanniya Gokajaga

Chalukyas of Kalyani or Feudatories, Uninscribed Gold Gadyana from Central Karnataka, 3.95g. Obv: A stylised representation of temple chariot or 'Ratha'. Rev: Floral scroll engulfing a stylised trident (Vajra-danda) and a four-spoke wheel

Feudatories of Chalukyas of Kalyani (probably Nolambas), Gold Punch-marked Gadyana with legend Bujaba, early series (11th century AD), 3.47g. Nine punches: 5x stylised seated bull (Nandi), 2x Kannada Sri, 1x Kannada legend Bujaba and 1x elephant god (Ankusha)

Coins of Western Gangas

Western Gangas, (10th-11th Century AD), Gold Gajapati Pagoda, 3.84 gm. Obv: An ornate elephant standing at right. Rev: Floral scroll.

Western Gangas (10th-11th Century AD), Gold Gajapati Pagoda, 3.86g. Obv: An ornate elephant standing at right. Rev: Ornamental floral scroll.

Western Gangas, 10th-11th Century AD, Gold Gajapati Pagoda, 3.83g. Obv: an ornate elephant standing to right, Rev: floral scroll.

Gold Coins of Vijayanagara Empire - Part I

Vijayanagara Empire, Gold 'Double Pagoda' of Krishnadeva Raya (1509-1530 AD), 7.79 gm. Obv: Four-armed Lord Venkateshwara of Tirupati standing under an ornamental archway, wearing tapering crown (Shikhara-mukuta), ear-ornaments (Karna-kundalas) and other jewelled attributes shown by a flowing array of dots and lines. He holds Shankha and Chakra in his upper hands, and makes the gesture of 'boon-giving' (Varada-mudra) with one of his lower. The archway or Torana, has Makara-shaped keystones and a Keertimukha above the deity's head. Rev: Devanagari legend in three lines Sri / Krishna Ra / ya within a double circular border

Vijayanagara, Sadashiva Raya (1543-1570 AD), Gold Fanam, 0.37gm. Obv: Shiva and Parvati seated facing. Rev: Nagari legend Sri Sadasi va

Vijaynagara, Gold 1/2 Pagoda, 1.7g, Krishna Devaraya, Obv. Balakrishna seated facing accosted by conch (right). Rev. Deva Nagri legend 'Sri Pratapa krishnaraya'.

Vijaynagara, Gold 1/2 Pagoda, 1.7vgm , Harihara II, Obv. Shiv-Parvati facing

Vijaynagara, Gold Pagoda, 3.4 gm, Krishnadevaraya, Obv. Balakrishna seated facing accosted by conch (right), Rev. Devanagri legend Sri Pra-Tapa-Krishna –raya

Vijayanagara, Venkataraya II or III, Gold Pagoda, 1.73 gm. Obv: God Venkatesvara standing to front Rev: three line Kanada legend Sri vem ka / te sua ra / ya na mah

Vijayanagara, Venkataraya II or III, Gold Pagoda, 3.31 gm. Obv: God Venkatesvara standing to front Rev: three line Devnagari legend Sri vem ka / te sua ra / ya na mah

Vijayanagar, Venkataraya II or III, Gold Pagoda, 3.34g. Obv: God Venkatesvara standing to front Rev: three line Devnagari legend

Vijaynagar Empire, Aravidu dynasty, VenkataPati Raya III, (1632 – 1642), Gold Pagoda or Hon, 3.34g, Obv: Venkateshwara standing under an archway, Rev: Devanagri legend 'Sri Venkateshwaraya Namah