Gold Dinar of Kushans, Vasudeva II

Kushans, Vasudeva II (c. 250-350 AD), Gold Dinar, 7.95g. Obv: Diademed king standing facing, nimbate, trident and sacrificing at altar at left, second trident above fire altar, Bactrian legend around pAONONOpAO BA.. O?hO KOpANO. Rev: Armed Shiva standing facing, holding trident and diadem, Bull Nandi left behind, Bactrian legend OhpO on right

Kushans, temp. Vasudeva II (c. 250-350 AD), Gold Dinar (Göbl 644), 7.90g. Obv: Helmeted and heavily armoured nimbate king standing holding a trident and offering sacrifice at an altar; Bactrian legend ShAONANO ShAO BAZODEO KOShANO around. Rev: Shiva, standing reclining against Nandi, holding a trident and a noose in outstretched hand; Tamgha in the left field and Bactrian legend OEShO to right

Kushans, temp. Vasudeva II (c. 250-350 AD), Gold Dinar (Göbl 569), 7.73g. Obv: Nimbate and diademed king, standing wearing dotted tunic and helmet, holding trident and offering sacrifice at an altar; trident-battle axe with pennant in the left field, Brahmi legend Vasu next to the king's right hand, letter Chu between his legs and Khu next to the left leg. Truncated bactrian legend around. Rev: Nimbate goddess seated on a throne holding cornucopia and a noose in the extended hand; Tamgha in the left field, Bactrian legend ARDOKhShO, seen to the right.

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