Gold Coins of Gupta Empire - Kumaragupta I

Gupta Empire, Kumaragupta I (415-455 AD), Gold Dinar of 'Archer' type, Altekar Class IV, var. A, 8.22g. Obv: King standing holding a bow and an arrow, without a Brahmi legend under his arm holding the bow; Garuda standard to left with Brahmi legend 'Kumaragupta' with the last letter placed above the Garuda. Rev: Goddess Lakshmi seated on lotus, holding a lotus in one hand and a noose in the other, Brahmi legend Sri Mahendra to right and a Tamgha to left.

Kumara Gupta, Horseman type Gold Dinar, 8.1g, Class II, Var A, obv. King with wig like hair, riding on a beautifully caparisoned horse to right, wearing buttoned coat (Cholaka) and trousers with high boots. Legend: Guptakuavyomasasi jayatyajeyo' jitamahendrah - The unconquered and invincible Mahendra, who is a moon in the sky of Gupta family is victorious. rev. depicts the goddess sitting along on a wicker stool and feeding a peacock. Legend: Ajitamahendra along flan edge from 2 o' clock. File test mark on rev

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